Bram Büscher and Rob Fletcher have just published their new book “The Conservation Revolution: radical ideas for saving nature beyond the Anthropocene”, now out on Verso books: “Conservation needs a[...]
Now that we have completed more or less the first year of the CONVIVA – convivial conservation research project, what has CONVIVA’s Brazil team been working on? The second episode[...]
By Judith Krauss, University of Sheffield (UK) What is conviviality as defined by Ivan Illich? How does it link to convivial conservation? And how do both relate to decolonising conservation?[...]
What is convivial conservation? The inaugural episode of the convivial conservation podcast asks Prof Bram Büscher (University of Wageningen) to answer this question in a slightly unusual format: drawing inspiration[...]
This call for papers was first published on the Pollen website to put together a session proposal for the POLLEN20 conference. Third Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN)[...]
In June 2019, the University of Sheffield, one of the institutions involved in the CONVIVA – convivial conservation research project funded by the Belmont Forum/NORFACE, hosted a workshop bringing together[...]
By Bram Büscher and Robert Fletcher, Wageningen University (Netherlands). In the face of the sixth extinction, rising wildlife crime and biodiversity under dire threat around the globe, environmental conservation finds[...]
By the Brazilian CONVIVA team. Interdisciplinarity as a goal and starting point. The Brazilian team implementing the CONVIVA – convivial conservation project is a highly diverse group of enthusiastic researchers from[...]
The California Grizzly Research Network and NORFACE/Belmont Forum/NSF-funded CON-VIVA working group invite applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in conservation social science. Since 2016, the Grizzly Network ( has been[...]
Position 3: postdoc (36 months), based at the ESALQ (Piracicaba) from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; position to study human-wildlife conflict in the Atlantic Forest biome involving Jaguars Description[...]