For co-existence, (bio)diversity and justice in conservation


Latest research from Convivial Conservation


Massarella, K., Krauss, J.E., Kiwango, W. & Fletcher, R. (2022). Special section: ‘Exploring convivial conservation in theory and practice’. Conservation and Society. With contributions by: C. Ampumuza, E. (L. Y.) Hsiao, M.B. Mabele, J.E. Krauss & W. Kiwango; P. Bocci; H.L. Pettersson, Claire H. Quinn, G. Holmes & S. Sait; S. Toncheva, R. Fletcher & E. Turnhout; S. van Bommel & S. Boonman-Berson; R. Pandya; G. Iordachescu; V. Fiasco & K. Massarella; W.A. Kiwango & M.B. Mabele. Summaries and links to all articles here.

Massarella, K., Nygren, A., Fletcher, R., Büscher, B., Kiwango, W.A., Komi, S., Krauss, J.E., Mabele, M.B., McInturff, A., Sandroni, L.T., Alagona, P.S., Brockington, D., Coates, R., Duffy, R.V., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Koot, S., Marchini, S., Percequillo, A.R. (2021). Transformation beyond conservation: how critical social science can contribute to a radical new agenda in biodiversity conservation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 49, pp. 79-87.

Paolino, R.M., Landis, M.B., Ferraz, K.M.P.M. de B., Chiarello, A.G. (2018). Human-wildlife conflicts and cascading effects of jaguar ecological extinction in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Wild Felid Monitor, Summer 2018, p. 20.



Kiwango, W. (2020). Convivial Conservation: Prospects and challenges for socially just governance of human-wildlife interactions in Tanzania. Co-authored with Mathew Bukhi Mabele. POLLEN Political Ecology Network conference 2020, CONVIVA panel, 23 September 2020.

Kiwango, W. (2019). Fostering co-existence between apex predators in human-dominated landscapes in Tanzania. Sheffield Political Ecology Workshop, 19 June 2019.

Massarella, K. (2019). The dynamics and ‘social life’ of ideas in international conservation. Sheffield Political Ecology Workshop, 19 June 2019.